![]() 11/16/2015 at 11:38 • Filed to: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | ![]() | ![]() |
So, this weekend was pretty interesting. I locked myself in my room with Miss Tesla and we played Fallout 4 until late last night. Yes, we may have considered such as a date. :P
But there were a few (automotive) things that bugged me big time.
Firstly, this fuck...
I was on an expressway with a 60mph speed limit. This guy and his buddy were riding next to a Miata going approximately 50mph. I thought it was completely asinine that these two motorcycles and the Miata weren’t going anywhere close to the speed of nearby traffic and weren’t even going the speed limit to boot.
The guy in the pic was weaving in his lane too, so cars slowed in other lanes to about his speed.
Eventually, the woman in the Miata had enough and bumped up to 55mph (not the speed limit, but I’ll give her a break since it was only recently raised). And seeing as I couldn’t switch lanes (genius biker somehow achieved making a small cluster of traffic around him) I followed the Miata.
Once the Miata cleared out a very decent gap from the bikers (I’d say like a good 8 car lengths) I changed to the same lane as the bikers and accelerated to an indicated 70mph (my car’s speedo becomes a bit inaccurate past 50, so 70mph is really just 65mph).
Not even a full ten seconds after I did that, the weaving guy ditched his buddy, rode up alongside my car, punched my side mirror (haha, it also bends forward) then cut me off while brake checking me.
After I very nearly rammed him (damn that bike had good brakes), his buddy caught up and they proceeded to ride at 20mph on the freeway blocking every move I made.
Eventually, I made a break after downshifting and made it ahead of the bikes. Weaving guy decided to brake check me again...and then a third time after I got away from him again. After the third brake checking, his buddy joined in on the action. At this point, I got spooked and floored it, with the bikes in pursuit. Juuust before they could brake check me again, I passed a cop on the side of the road...both bikers dove across five lanes of traffic into an exit and the cop stopped some rando SUV...
Nope, I didn’t get the plates on the bikes, was too scared.
I briefly thought that maybe they were mad about my lights, but neither of them had mirrors on their bikes and neither had helmets.
Second, the City of Chicago.
Apparently I ran a red light cam on July 1st. Now, I did watch the video and it’s true that I did not come to a complete stop. I dropped down to the speed where the smart spins the clutch (shown by my car “bucking” in the video) then turned. So that’s quite literally 1-2mph. Oops.
Anyway, I’ve been trying to pay the ticket, but they won’t let me!
The first notice came in a day before it was due (and I didn’t have the money to pay it in such short notice). And when I tried to pay it, they demanded double because it was “late”. OK. And they wouldn’t take “Chicago took a few months to mail it” as a reason.
So, because of my then shitty financial situation, I had to hold off on the double thing until I could get my mum to stop stealing my money (if you don’t follow me, this likely makes no sense, sorry) and they said “that’s okay, just pay it by the due date on the second notice that you get”
Right. So that second notice came in roughly a month later. Hmmm guess what day it was due? ON THE DAY IT REACHED MY MAILBOX! Gee, thanks Chicago.
Aaaaand once again, they wanted to tack extra fines on top for being late. And on top of that, by “waiting” this long, I apparently lose my right to defend the ticket allegations. So fine, I’ll pay the new exorbitant fee, just tell me when I have to pay it. “Okay, wait until the new notice comes in”. K, so is it going to come on time? “Oh yes, we’ll send it out right away”.
And it actually did reach me in a timely manner! BUT! Guess what the due date was set for? The due date was set for 6 days before the notice date...so it doesn’t really matter when I received the final notice, it was already late by at least two weeks! Gee, thanks Chicago!
![]() 11/16/2015 at 11:51 |
God, I really hate bikers sometimes.
![]() 11/16/2015 at 12:01 |
It’s been worse the past month since it’s been unseasonably warm (yesterday was in the mid 60s) usually only the hardcore Harley guys and adventure bike riders are still out this late in the year
![]() 11/16/2015 at 12:02 |
Holy crap the only time I’ve ever seen one of those Mitsubishi imevs or whatever they are called was sitting on a used car lot that’s owned by a Mitsubishi dealer down the street. At one point they had like 8 of them just sitting out front
![]() 11/16/2015 at 12:03 |
I actually rode to work today here in DC. It was only 39 when I left the house, but it’s supposed to be mid 60s this afternoon.
![]() 11/16/2015 at 12:07 |
That’s because you have the appropriate gear. Usually the chicago squids pack it in around Halloween cause usually that means freezing rain and snow
![]() 11/16/2015 at 12:21 |
I had a duche-bro on a motor cycle do something similar to me while driving with my family to go for a bike ride. Us in fully loaded down subaru impreza cruise control set at 70 dude pulls in front of me going like 55, I slammed on the brakes and nearly took the duche-bro out. He then gets all in a huff and gives us the finger because he was ridding like an idiot. Rant over. If I was in a bad mood I might have just fucking smacked him, then lawyered up.
![]() 11/16/2015 at 13:51 |
I ran into a similar situation this weekend, two bikes forced me to stop on a rural highway after I passed them (legally) in a passing zone. I was driving an Impala, and they probably assumed I was older. They got off their bikes and yelled at me to fight and get out. They were at most 5ft 4...
I’m 6ft 3 and athletic, throw in the fact I live in Sovient Canuckistan, they’re likely not packing. I got up and out and they backed down pretty quick and turned around and drove off into the woods...
I hate some bikers.
![]() 11/16/2015 at 15:45 |
Trust me, I got a whole story to tell on bikers after having a run-in with a motorcycle gang.
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Soon to be discontinued signals.
![]() 11/16/2015 at 17:28 |
Give me the TL:DR version so I know how to avoid doing it.
![]() 11/16/2015 at 20:43 |
While riding down from Seattle to my overnight stay, I...
Ran into a motorcycle gang
Watched as they took up the entire highway doing 25 mph instead of 60 (40 in some parts) doing dumb stunts
Blocked an intersection while doing wheelies and burnouts
![]() 11/16/2015 at 21:05 |
Oh yeah. Fuck those guys. I can only do one of those three things.